Karla Kyte, CDLP® | Branch Manager Denver, CO

My Certified Divorce Lending Professional certificate has truly been a game changer for me and I have taken it to the next level in last year and a half with the opening of My Divorce Mortgage Planning, a fee based business.  

I initially did the certification in 2017 because a mediator said she would work with me if I would obtain my CDLP.  I didn’t even know what it was at the time or what I was signing up for.  I flew to AZ for the 2 day course, thinking that I would likely just work the whole time because I had been a lender for over 15 years at that point and this would be an easy and quick cert to get!

I have to say, within 30 minutes of the in-person class with Jody Bruns at the helm, I closed my laptop and listened intently because I realized in that moment that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.  Jody is a wealth of knowledge and 7 years later, she, along with her team, are more supportive than ever with the coaching and the array marketing tools provided.  I love and appreciate the community and the group support that we have with the Divorce Lending Association.

Whether you are looking to get your CDLP just to have a better understanding of the divorce lending world or if you are looking to shift your business and niche down, you cannot go wrong.  This is by far the most rewarding and valuable mortgage education I have done since entering the mortgage business over 26 years ago!

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Karla Kyte - Colorado