Emile Flowers Headshot

Emile Flowers, CDLP® | Southern Illinois St. Louis, MO 

I cannot say enough about the CDLP® program.  It has changed the way I approach my business, my professionalism, how I relate to clients and other professionals and so much more.  This program has opened doors for me that I never thought possible from a traditional mortgage career and I’m so grateful.  I’ve seen the way not only clients but my referral partners react to the level of knowledge and development I have compared to other mortgage professionals they have experienced.  I am able to also approach subjects that a typical mortgage lender would never have the ability to do without this training.  The best part about the CDLP® is that the training, coaching, development and tools are on going and ever evolving.  You do not just get certified and then have to figure it out on your own.  The Divorce Lending Association continues to give the entire time.  They also provide a level of support that is unmatched in any program I have ever experienced.  I’m so glad I committed to pursuing this designation.

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Emile Flowers - Illinois